The Global Fellows program

The Global Fellows

Imagine what could happen if we took inspiration from participatory methods from around the world? The Global Fellows program has done just that!







Think differently, look elsewhere

Could transnational collaboration be the key to highly inclusive participatory processes?

The Global Fellows program has a single objective: to get ordinary citizens and stakeholders involved in decision-making.

Our values – inclusion and peer learning:

  • Inspired by deliberation methods used elsewhere
  • Ensuring better representation of groups that are often excluded, such as gender minorities, refugees, indigenous communities, etc
  • Promoting a collaborative design approach, i.e. “doing with” and not “doing for”
  • Working with the Fellows to co-design our global initiatives and adapt them to the specific conditions in each country

In over 80 countries…

Meet the Fellows

Our Latest articles

Latest articles
from the Global Fellows program


EU-Kommission: "Wir haben die deliberative Demokratie zu einem festen Bestandteil unseres Entscheidungsprozesses gemacht"


Konferenz zur Zukunft Europas: die Jugendlichen wollen Taten sehen


Europa: "Deutsch-französische Städtepartnerschaften haben eine entscheidende Rolle zu spielen".


Konferenz zur Zukunft Europas: die Jugendlichen wollen Taten sehen


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Find out everything you need to know about the Fellows program, and if you want to connect with our team or with the Fellows, contact us below!

What we do


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