From “I” to “us”
By drawing on the experiences and perspectives of other citizens, experts and stakeholders involved in our processes, informed, shared and inspiring points of view and proposals emerge. Without erasing personalities, we are convinced that each and everyone has a place in building decisions.
Let's dream together about the ideal place for deliberation...
The quality of a deliberation depends above all on the well-being of the participants, allowing them to be fully involved and to deploy their creativity. To create an environment where everyone feels comfortable enough to express themselves fully and to connect with others in their diversity, we have imagined with architect Luc Schuiten a space conducive to citizen debates: a practical and adapted installation that will go out to meet the inhabitants in the countryside and the cities.
Learn more

... and to the citizens' assembly of the future
Bring together with you the citizen assembly of the 21st century so that no decision is taken without looking into the future, without asking the question of the consequences of a decision for future generations and the living system. This assembly would be made up of 150 people, fairly representing today's society but also living things - animals, nature, oceans... - and the 7th generation who will follow us. So ready?
"Collective intelligence is not the sum of individual intelligences but the synthetic product of their combination.”
Picture: D.R.
Edgar Morin
Sociologist and political scientist

We help you design each project so that the participatory process has the strongest impact to feed your policies or strategies and to better inform and involve the concerned publics. From the beginning of the process, we accompany you in an ex-ante evaluation of the expected impacts, for a framing of the project as relevant, clear and transparent as possible.
Based on the desired impact, the subject, and your specific context, we implement the most appropriate system with you, tailored to your needs.
Identification of the objectives and the rules of the game.
Identification of the audiences, the recruitment method to be used and the proposed commitment.
Deployment of the most suitable and complementary dialogue methods (creative workshop, workshop of the future, consensus conference or citizen convention in person and online...).

Co-creation of the necessary information and communication on the participatory process.
Capitalization and follow-up.
Support for the analysis and dissemination of results.

Citizen dialogues are living organisms! We will be able to adapt to specific situations (health crisis, postponement in time) and to the demands of participants and organizers to build a framework of trust (co-writing of a charter, additional meetings, mediation in case of conflict, etc.).

We are committed to transmitting our know-how and helping our sponsors and partners to increase their participative know-how. How do we do this? Through trainings, facilitation experiences offered to your collaborators, a capitalization seminar, self-facilitated workshop kits...